What are AKC hunting tests and titles for pointing breeds?

What are AKC hunting tests and titles for pointing breeds (Junior Hunter, Senior Hunter, and Master Hunter)? First, AKC hunting tests are games (just like field trials) you can play with your bird dogs.   They can be seen as a great way to extend the bird hunting seasons and an excellent venue in which to … Continue reading

Pheasant Hunting with Vizslas in Colorado

‘Twas two days before Christmas and all through the Colorado fields Not a rooster could be seen stirring, stealthy running they would not yield The shotguns and Vizslas were prepared with great care In the hopes an abundance of pheasant would really be there Frosty cold temps could not keep the hunters in bed They … Continue reading

Get Those Baby Bird Dawgs on Wild Birds (Pronto!)

This will be a brief post–I’m just wanting to get these thoughts out of my head and onto our blog while they’re fresh. Our Crush puppy (a Vizsla) will turn a year old in January.  Hard to believe.  She still acts like a 6 month old (this is a topic for another blog post I’ll … Continue reading

Hunting Over A “Senior” Bird Dog

9 Year Old Vizsla Kosmo After The Hunt - December 2011

…is like savoring a fine wine.  The fullness and subtle complexities are noted and enjoyed.  Each sip is oh-so satisfying. Years ago a friend commented on how much she preferred hunting over “older” bird dogs.  I never thought to ask her why I just recall finding the comment interesting.  At the time I didn’t have … Continue reading

The photos tell the tale: An example of why we teach our Vizslas to retrieve to hand

Vizsla Kosmo Demonstrates a Perfect "Retrieve to Hand"

This is a brief entry.  Primarily, because the photos below tell the story pretty well on their own.  These photos are perfect examples of why we teach our Vizslas to retrieve to hand.  And, why we put the extra work into proofing their retrieves.  The photos illustrate exactly what can and does happen when testing/trialing … Continue reading