Welcome to the Frat Party a.k.a. I’m not socializing my puppy that way so go away.

Originally posted on The Dog Snobs:
With a lot of new owners the concept of socialization is harped on endlessly. Socialize your dog! Take them everywhere! Make them meet everyone! They have to meet all the dogs! Take them to puppy play sessions twice per day! The dog park is great for puppies! They need…

Making your hunting dog gunshy – One of the most common human-made mistakes

How to properly socialize your pup to the shotgun - This is the response you want!

I almost didn’t write about this topic because there is already a ton of information out there.  With so many warnings to be careful with this part of bird dog training and a lot of very good methods to choose from I wonder how in the world a person make their bird dog gunshy in … Continue reading

It’s **your job** to bring out the best in your Vizsla (bird dog)

Crush Puppy playing one of her favorite games with Uncle Jetson, Grandma Suede, Brother Race, and Mama Trip. Photo taken by Rod Cope.

“I saw an angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo My eyes recently fell upon this quote.  The image to instantly pop into my mind’s eye was of my Crush Puppy, GCH Boulder’s N Fusion’s Heartbreaker CGC (almost an AKC Master Hunter with 4 MH passes to date).  She’s … Continue reading

Do Vizslas Make Good “Family” Dogs?

Kosmo, Vizsla pictured here at 9 years old

This is among the “top 5” questions I get asked by those interested in the breed.  Recently, an article on the “best” family dogs made the rounds and for what we understand to be the first time,  the Vizsla breed was listed.  Many of us with much experience and knowledge about the breed were surprised and … Continue reading

Get Those Baby Bird Dawgs on Wild Birds (Pronto!)

This will be a brief post–I’m just wanting to get these thoughts out of my head and onto our blog while they’re fresh. Our Crush puppy (a Vizsla) will turn a year old in January.  Hard to believe.  She still acts like a 6 month old (this is a topic for another blog post I’ll … Continue reading